skills assessment

Training: Gain Every Advantage to Advance Your Career

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​Manpower have heavily invested in developing expert training that is valuable to your growth and development, to help increase your skills and provide you with the necessary knowledge to be the best you can be at work.

On-the-Job Training

When you join us as a contractor, we will ensure that you are trained in OH&S before you start work. In addition to OH&S training, we are able to provide more specific training for those who will be working within manufacturing, call centres, or office environments. However, Manpower's training does not stop there.

Learn more about our health, safety, and wellness programmes:

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Manpower powerYOU Training Platform

At Manpower, we value the role of work in people's lives. The skills required to succeed are constantly changing, and people need quick and easy access to training—when and where they need it. Our free training courses are your ticket to accessing knowledge that can positively impact your career.

Manpower's powerYOU training platform provides contractors engaged in roles with us free online access to:

  • Thousands of online courses covering a range of topics from software applications like Word or Excel to business skills courses on topics such as communication or problem-solving, to the most in-demand programming languages like SQL, JAVA, and C#.

  • Certification prep courses like project management, human resources, or data management, to name a few.

  • Mobile-friendly functionality so you can explore and learn on the go.

So whatever your dream job or learning needs, now is the time to train up and go for it!

Job Seeker Toolkit